9 Common Dog Illnesses: Symptoms and Treatment
Suppose you’re in the market for a new pet or are just considering it. In that case, it’s important to know about caring for your dog for a healthy lifestyle. Keeping up with the pet’s vaccinations, exercises, and feeding routine, are all essential parts of owning a furry pal. Check out this list of common illnesses in dogs.
1. Diarrhea
This is probably one of the most common ailments for dogs because many different things can cause it. This includes dietary changes, stress, or even eating something that disagrees with them. If your canine pal has diarrhea, make sure they drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration.
To treat this illness at home, try and:
· Keep them away from other animals and people until they are better.
· Clean up any messes as soon as they happen to prevent contamination from spreading.
· Feed them rice and boiled chicken or turkey If your dog is still eating.
· Give them some Pepto Bismol every six hours until he stops having loose stools.
· Feed your pup some rice cereal mixed with warm water to absorb excess fluid.
2. Coughing
Some types of coughing are normal, but if it lasts more than two weeks or worsens over time, it could be a sign of pneumonia or other respiratory problems. It can be hard for them to breathe, and they may have trouble sleeping at night.
You must check with a veterinarian before giving him anything other than regular medication or antibiotics. If you give your pet medication at the wrong time or in high doses, this could worsen the condition.
Also, if the coughing causes difficulty in breathing or exercises intolerance, see a vet immediately because it could be a life-threatening condition.
3. Canine Distemper
This airborne virus causes respiratory signs like coughing, sneezing, and neurological signs. It happens in early puppyhood, around 6–8 weeks, and can affect older dogs too. Some symptoms include fever, vomiting, diarrhea, and loss of appetite.
It’s highly contagious and typically fatal if not treated quickly. If your furry friend has this disease, hospitalize them immediately. Also, you could vaccinate your dog with a distemper vaccine before 6 months old and give booster vaccines yearly. After, you can give your pet shots until at least one year old.
Another prevention method is keeping the pup away from other animals who may have distemper. Also, please avoid contact with wild animals or stray dogs that could carry it.
4. Heartworm
Mosquitos carry this disease and transmit it through their bite. This blood-sucking parasite can cause heart failure, lung disease and more issues in young dogs who don’t receive treatment early enough. So, ensure your pet gets their monthly heartworm prevention every time. Also:
· Please keep your dog indoors to prevent them from picking up ticks.
· Ensure they get a monthly heartworm prevention pill.
· Get them tested every six months. The sooner you catch it, the easier it’ll be to treat.
5. Lyme Disease
Lyme disease is caused by bacteria that infect the bloodstream and can be fatal if not treated quickly. Symptoms include joint pain, limping, fever, and lethargy, usually caused by a tick bite. Treating this condition is important, so the infection doesn’t spread further into your dog’s body.
To treat the disease, get your dog to a veterinarian as soon as possible for treatment. This can include antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. Your vet will also take a blood sample to test for Lyme disease.
6. Flea Allergy
Fleas can cause severe itching, leading to a serious allergic reaction called Flea Allergy Dermatitis (FAD). This condition causes intense itching and can even lead to skin infections if left untreated for too long. The fleas are often attracted to dogs that do not have flea collars because chemicals do not repel them.
The allergy leaves your pet with scabby skin or bald patches caused by flea bites. To reduce the dog illness, spray them with flea spray or give some pills that prevent flea bites from occurring.
Also, you can use a topical flea treatment like Frontline Plus or Advantage Multi to kill adult fleas on contact and prevent them from laying eggs.
7. Parvo
Parvo is a contagious virus that can affect any dog. Still, it’s more prevalent in puppies under eight weeks of age. It’s caused by contact with feces or urine from an infected dog or animal. If your pup has been exposed to parvovirus, they’ll likely be lethargic, have bloody diarrhea, dehydrated, and vomit frequently. If left untreated, it can be fatal within days.
We recommend seeing a vet immediately if you think your pup might be infected with this pet illness. Also, ensure your furry friend stays hydrated with plenty of water, electrolytes, and Pedialyte. You can even give a probiotic supplement to help boost their immune system.
8. Tick Paralysis
Tick paralysis is another common illness among dogs that can be deadly if not treated quickly. It occurs when a tick attaches itself to your pet’s body and releases toxins into the bloodstream. Eventually, it paralyzes their muscles causing walking or movement problems.
The best way to prevent this disease is by checking your dog for ticks every day before letting them outside to play, especially during the summer months. Also, remove ticks using tweezers or flea/tick spray.
9. Fever
Lastly, fever is usually caused by inflammation or infection somewhere in the body. This inflammation causes a rise in body temperature, which can be dangerous if not treated quickly. A dog’s normal body temperature is between 101–104 degrees Fahrenheit (38.3–40 degrees Celsius).
You can use ice packs or cool water to dab on your dog to bring down the temperature. Also, taking them to the vet immediately for treatment.
Take Away
The common dog illness above will help you as a pet owner or if you plan to have one soon. The dog diseases can cause problems like fever, stress, minimized movements, and even loss of appetite. It’s important to check for the symptoms early to prevent further problems. If you want quality information for your fur baby, please reach out at jullieterm@gmail.com. Our information ranges from dog foods to taking care of your pets.