12 min readAug 12, 2021

How to Write an Event Press Release

Event press releases are written to inform the public about an upcoming event or a major development. They tell readers what type of event it is, when and where it will be held, who is hosting it, and how they can get more information about the event.

These documents also include details about the location of the venue where you plan to hold your events. It might be at a park, conference center, halls, and more areas. They list down all these components in order for them to fully capture public attention towards their events.

Event Press Release: What it is

An Event Press release contains the basic information of an event, including its main characteristics, the organizers, location or venue, date and time. This kind of release also highlights how this event will benefit the community as well as what the attendees can expect from it.

How to Write an Event Press Release

A press release is aimed at informing the public of your event and tells them about what to do and what they can expect from it. Event press releases are also used as a tool to generate interest in an upcoming event.

They are delivered through several channels including print, digital and broadcast media. Event journalists rely on specific information in order to ensure that their features reach an audience of people who will attend or benefit from the events they are promoting.

A good thing about these files is that they help organizers give out free tickets for contests, sweepstakes or giveaways in order to attract more attendees to their events.

The most popular places that use press releases include such concerts, fairs, festivals, fundraisers, and others.

What To Include In An Event Press Release

The Event Details

Event Name

Event Description

Event Location


Who's Involved?

Organizer Contact Information.

Formatting Your Event Press Release
If you are writing an event press release then you should follow some standard format to make sure your guests or public will understand what they are reading so work on these tips to format a good event press release.

Have the right information in it such as Date, Time and Venue of the event. You can use the following outline.

Start off with a headline that catches attention

Use bulleted lists to explain key points

Have opening paragraphs.

The following format shows you how to write an event press release like a pro with minimum effort.

Rule No 1: Catchy Title

The first thing that should go on your event press Release writing service content outline is a catchy title that captures reader's attention immediately. This may sound like an obvious statement but most people forget this basic rule when writing their event press release content outline.

Without a good title you cannot capture the reader's attention, no matter how hard you try. Event press releases are all about getting the word out to as many people as you can so make sure that your press release headline is attractive enough to do this for you.

Note: Make sure that your headline is not too long because journalists may not read it if it contains more than five words. This point is crucial to make your paper stand out from the many that are published.

Rule No 2: Subtitle Positioning

The sub-title should come after the headline in the press release formatting and should tell readers what information they will get when reading your article. A sub-title allows the journalist to see whether he or she wants to know more about the event through reading your Press Release.

How to write Event Press Release sub-titles:

The following outline is among the top event press release templates that improves the formatting of your sub-titles in press releases.

Rule No 3: Break Into Segments

Your article should be broken into segments. Each segment should contain information relevant to the Event so that readers can easily find out what they need without having to read the entire document that may contain unnecessary information.

Write in short paragraphs with a maximum of 2-4 lines and try to put important details first. This will make reading your Event Press Print easier for the reader and will help him or her get the most important information about the event right away.

Note: Try not use phrases like "Read more" or any personal opinions in your Press Release writing, as this may ruin its credibility with journalists and other members of the media.

Rule No 4: Format

Event Press Release format should be formal. They are aimed at the media so try to write your article in a language that journalists can easily understand and relate to. Simply use professional release Headings, Sub-titles and Content for better understanding.

Event press release example

The following article is an ideal example on how to come up with an incredible

Event Name of Event [If you want]

When will it take place? [If you know]

Where is it taking place? Venue address etc. [if you have chosen a venue]

How is the event being managed? [Eg. by local business or school?] Who's behind the event? (Who organised it?) What are the Press Release details? [Who, When and Where regarding Press Release].

Event Description:

Event Press release is aimed at Event advertising so try to include as much information you can about your Event. Information like type of Event, Organisers contact details, Event venue address etc. All relevant Event adverts should be included in your Press Release so make sure you gather as much information as possible before writing it down.

Interviews with key people are a great way to create interest in your forthcoming event for journalists hence consider interviewing them for the press release if they have something to say that will catch media attention.

If you want more people to attend your event then use words like free or discount when talking about tickets for the Press Release.

Event contact details: You can send the releases directly to Press Release journalists so make sure Event media contact details are included in the Press Release Article if you want them to get back to you quickly. To make his or her job easier, you should also provide a Web link (URL) for quick access.

Note: Make sure that your Press Release contains action words and not too many adjectives or adverbs which may hinder its success with Event media outlets.

How do I use an Event press release?

When writing your press release try to keep it as simple as possible by keeping it direct and simple. When you send your Event PR article out, always remember to proofread everything before sending it out. Event PR articles allow Event businesses to share information with local media outlets and journalists, so that readers can keep up-to-date with event news.

These documents are a great way for event business owners to get their voice heard and increase sales by promoting upcoming events in the media.

Event press releases should be written in third person, meaning they should never be written in first or second person ("I", "We"). If you include too much buzzwords or jargon that isn't relevant to your event then this will put off media outlets from reading your article thus making them less likely to publish it.

This is why trying to write about things that may interest an audience may help your article. Event PR articles should always be relevant to Event and newsworthy as this will make your document more interesting for the audience.

The releases are usually published in event magazines or event newspapers, different outlets choose what they want to publish so if you submit your press release to the wrong media outlet then it may get rejected by them.

Press Releases should contain information about upcoming events and be submitted at least one month before the date of the event itself. The media outlets can help promote events, but only if the information is very well written, properly worded and presented professionally as this demonstrates that the company has done its research and studied their market (local Event area) correctly which increases their chances of getting published.

On the other hand, Event newspaper and Event magazines are usually press releases for readers to contact you directly if they like what you have written. They are also a good way to promote your business or Event products; therefore, make sure that the readers can find all the information about the Event in your Event PR article.

These documents should be edited at least once before it's sent out; this will ensure there are no spelling errors or plagiarism as this makes your press release look very unprofessional.

Try to avoid Event jargon as much as possible when writing for a press release because it may confuse or bore those who read it, making them less likely to publish it.

Finally keep your Event PR article updated with any Event news as this will keep Event readers interested and help Event businesses get noticed by Event media.

Event Press Releases are written to inform Event readers about Event issues or occurrences – they should not be used to promote Event products or services directly but can help raise awareness of Event issues and can also provide useful information such as tips on how readers can avoid Event problems.

There are many formats in which an Event PR article can be presented, the most common being an online press release (see below) with a brief intro into what the Event is all about.

An in-depth event address is usually published for local Events i.e. charity events etc., whilst bigger national events may warrant a longer article on their own. As mentioned above, logistics and Event details can be mentioned briefly, but Event products or Event services should not be promoted on Event PR articles.

These publication releases are usually sent directly to Event journalists, Event newspapers and Event magazine editors. Event Press Releases may also be posted on Event websites/blogs for relevant traffic and promotion purposes.

Press release sample for event

Check out these examples of press releases.

• ABC Charity Event Press Release example

• XYZ Company Event Press Release example

> NOTABLE EVENT PRESS RELEASE – The event was a huge success with 1000s of guests partying the night away in London’s biggest nightclub! This is where it all happened… (http://exampleurlnameofevent)

=> Event Press Release Analyzer PRO Event press release analyzer and editor for you to check your Event PR article if it is free from grammar, spelling mistakes, plagiarism and more! <</iframe

Event Press Releases are a great platform through which little or big news about an upcoming event can be shared with others. A Press Release is the most common way Event business to publicize Event products or Event services.

The writing and distribution is a marketing strategy that should be incorporated into all businesses for healthy growth.

Should your press release be oriented toward a specific demographic audience?

A press release is surely not just one that reaches out to the media, but it can also help you in reaching your target market. This means creating a press release that will eventually turn into an effective advertising program.

Although this might seem like a lot of work, it doesn't have to be complicated if you know what it takes to draw people to your company and how they will benefit from it (or even just how they can avail of your Event products).

For Event marketing purposes, a press release should be written in such a way that it will grab Event public's attention and be Event basis or Event foundation for Event business advertising programs.

When writing a Press Release, you are writing to inform the audience. As a writer, you must therefore use the right words and tone so as not to turn off the readers.

Press releases are usually sent directly to journalists through email or posted on website/blog pages with other ways being through traditional mail (yes, there are still some businesses that still send paper press releases) or faxes.

For online PR distribution, there are many tools available to Event planner such as PressForward which is free for Event business owners to use. Event Press Releases should usually be sent out Event hour (of the Event) before Event occurrence, or when Event big news is about to happen in Event market.

Press releases are generally issued for:

Event Businesses
To inform Event media of important Event announcements such as Event opening and closing dates, admission prices for Event venue, upcoming events that will take place in Event venue and more; this will be done a few weeks or months before it happens.

Event Publicists/Managers
To highlight an up-coming event within the industry or the community i.e. Awards Night for Event Media Professionals, charity concerts etc.; this too can be done several weeks prior the actual event date.

Event Event Public Relations Executives
These executives include Event Event Media Managers can also write Event news about Event organization’s achievements, Event activities and record-breaking events.

Event Performers
To publicize upcoming concerts or other Event concert engagements by Event artists; this can be done a month before the actual date.

News Release
An announcement of new products which is usually issued Event day in advance and distributed to all mainstream media outlets including TV/radio stations, websites etc.

Benefits of an Event Press Release

Give Valuable Information

Event Press releases can be used in a lot more ways than just getting publicity for an event. They are also effective for making sure that journalists get the right information to use when they are writing their articles.

Inform Your Audience

Press Releases helps show the public that you value them and care about what they have to say.

Market Upcoming Events

They send out news about an upcoming event so people who aren't able to attend can still enjoy it or not miss it.

Note that Event journalists rely on press releases for up-to-date information on talks, events, charities, and fundraisers. Writing good event press releases is a great way to network

Financial aspects on Event Press Release

Event Press releases are also a cost-effective way to get your event known by the public. Press releases services offer packages that vary in terms of type and duration, including a one-year package which allows you to send out up to 50 Event press releases every month, or a six-month package where you can send out once per month.

Event Press Release Prices

The amount of releasing these documents will depend on several factors as follows:

How long your Event press release service is intended for

How many of them you need

Remember, that the pricing may even vary according to the news organization that will be receiving it, whether broadcast outlets or printed media.


When should you send a press release for an event?

By following a few simple steps, you can easily write your own press release and promote an upcoming event or company. The most important thing to remember is that the essentials of any press release remain the same no matter what the topic is.

Be sure to include Event Date, Event Time, Event Location, Event Info, Contact Person, Event Benefits, Event Who it Is For, etc. All of these details we discussed earlier on how to write an Event Press Release.

To be successful in business today requires more than good products or services. You must also have a media plan, including distribution of press releases on your products and services through an organization's web site, newspapers or broadcast media outlets . To get maximum exposure for your firm, it is necessary to follow certain guidelines when writing

How to write event details for a press release Event?
Press release event usually have a date, time, location/venue, and contact information. With all these details, the public has better information on where the project will take place.

Event press releases provide information on your event, including its date, time and location. It also explains what attendees can expect from the event. Your press release may be accompanied by photographs that help describe some of the aspects being discussed. In a typical news story about an event, these photos are often displayed at the top of the article .

How you should write company details for a press release
Company Name

Company Logo

Contact Person

Company Address, City, State ZIP, Country

Phone Number

Email Address

How to distribute my event press release?

Distribution of an event press release includes sending it to members of the media. This may include keeping a list of newspapers and TV stations that cover your type of event, and delivering one copy in person or by mail. It is also possible to pay for an ad that states the details of your upcoming event.

There are companies which will do this for you in exchange for a fee. Through Print Media Mail Distribution, Electronic Media, or Internet Distribution Inserts will help you distribute the information to media outlets.


Event press releases come in handy when you want to inform the audience about an upcoming event or a major development. It might be a charity, fundraiser or other projects. They also tell readers what type of event it is, when and where it will be held, who is hosting it, and how they can get more information about the event.

Remember to include details about the location of the venue where you plan to hold your events. It might be at a park, conference center, halls, and more areas. Not only to fully capture public attention towards your events but also make the project successful.


Written by Jullieterm

SEO Copywriter with extensive experience in blogs, product reviews, and general articles.

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