Top 30 Funny Debate Topics for 2021
Who said humorous conversations should be strict and boring? You can attend or host lively interactions that offer a lasting solution or purpose. Also, the funny debate topics all over the internet is an excellent start when picking the correct title.
Remember that a comical interaction doesn’t mean it’s pointless but less strict than official ones. It all depends on the settings, crowd, and overall atmosphere and the group’s intentions after the conversation.
We have gone looked at the most popular ones in 2021 that need more than one sit down. They are as follows from 1–30 to give you a better insight on some silly and not controversial ones.
30. Keto diet or exercising?
One of the first fun debate topics we have is about your overall health and fitness. If you’ve added a few pounds for specific reasons, such as joblessness or lack of workout time, multiple options are available.
The most popular one is the keto diet, or limiting carbs in all of your meals. Not only cutting back on fatty foods but also following a strict meal plan. Besides, it needs determination and discipline to maintain a healthy and safe diet when you’re used to junk foods. But remember to keep your body fit, exercise is a must even if it’s 1 20–30 minute walk per day. For those interested in following a keto diet, click to get step by step details.
29. Being an employee or opening a business?
Having financial freedom can be a positive or negative aspect for a working person. You can own your business, but the returns are not that favourable at the end of the month or two. Also, it can go the other way as you make profits and learn the craft.
Opening a business such as a shop, learning institution, beauty parlour, and others need guidance from people who understand that field of work.
28. Limit or not to limit screen time
If you live in a household full of laughter caused by kids, you know the challenges of TV, gaming, and other gadgets in the house. The fun debate topics either restrict or support watching movies and playing video games, or other areas get neglected, including education.
27. Does planning make you more productive?
We are all wired quite differently on how we respond to things. Some people plan about the task to be completed the next day. Others wake up and go with the flow, and luckily, things go as planned. One way is to use a digital planner because technology advances faster in this generation.
26. Does exercising help keep you alert?
Exercising is a state of the mind and body. These two go hand in hand, especially for experts who are used to working out. What’s more,,be%20more%20awake%20and%20alert gives you tips and benefits for those who exercise regularly.
25. Today, men gossip more than ladies.
Gossiping has been termed as a ladies’ thing or social action for quite some time. Nowadays, more outspoken men feel they can air out their views and critics about something or someone. This feels like backbiting to others whether the topic is non-controversial.
24. Is the justice system easy on celebrities today?
Celebrities, better known as famous people from movies, american idol, social media, or other forms of art, might get out of a complicated situation more quickly than an unpopular person. Their fame and influence make them a bit believable, even in tricky situations.
But sometimes, this does not favor them, especially after an encounter with someone focused on the penalty, fine, and overall good conduct.
23. With the focus on equality, should men and women have equal roles?
The following funny debate topic focuses on equality for both genders. With the rising of feminism, ladies demand equal opportunities, especially in the workplace. But this contradicts itself when it comes to family views when a man is expected to provide maximum support in financial matters.
22. Why homework should be abolished from the school system
Do you support or disagree with banning homework for kids? Some parents and guardians feel that students need to relax after school and do other activities such as community development, minimum screen time, etc.
In a fun debate topic, parents supporting after school assignments think that it helps them finish the syllabus earlier than planned and improves their knowledge and memory.
21. Why Friends is better than How I Met Your Mother
If you love funny sitcoms, How I Met Your Mother is among the best lasting for 14 years, according to with 9 seasons. It has a family-friendship type of vibe. For Friends, it brings all the emotions and hardships long term companionships deal with.
20. Why fish make the ultimate pets
Do you own a pet? Do you prefer one that offers silence but comfortable companionship or loud and exciting? Many people keep fish because of their many advantages stated in But some prefer a furry pal to play around and walk around the neighborhood like a dog or cat.
19. Who is more complicated — men or women?
Complicated can be defined as hard to understand, strict, or not as easygoing. Some ladies fall under this category because of their stern and focussed nature. For men, they have a laid down exterior making them easier to talk to at times.
18. Tandoori chicken vs plain chicken
Hate spiced foods and snacks? Then probably you would prefer a plain chicken rather than tandoori because of taste buds, diet restriction, or allergies. A spiced chicken with flavorful herbs brings out a rich smell for those who love exploring their taste buds.
17. Wonder Woman or Batman?
Interesting debate topics like this include animated films created for kids, teens, and adults, known as star wars character. Batman and Wonder Woman are among the best star wars characters with have fascinating looks.
What’s more, their role is saving the vulnerable in society and making the world much better. To compare these two characters, you need to focus more on how they handle different situations.
16. Should humans eat to live or live to eat?
When you eat different foods, you improve your health and life. One cannot stay for long without putting something in the stomach, whether it’s veggies, snacks, or liquids. Living to eat is much safer because you indulge when necessary to focus on more essential things afterwards.
15. Should teachers too have a uniform in schools?
A dress code for school is mandatory for some private schools but not for teachers. If the educators follow in the same footsteps, it might bring up some issues. Scholars might feel more comfortable courageously talking to them.
14. Superman and Batman?
Are Marvel or DC Comics characters important in a child’s life? If you have a kid who enjoys these type of action films, it can positively or negatively impact. Some youngsters tend to idolize the cast rather than the moral of the story. In contrast, others use these superheroes to better their character and overall personality for the better. This site has more data about the impact of superhero characters.
13. Who is likely to be more successful: introverts or extroverts?
If you love a fun argument, then creative debate topics like this one will entice you. It focuses on 2 different people who love other spaces. An introvert usually is quiet and keeps to himself, while an extrovert is carefree and wild.
Apart from these comparisons, success is not determined by the person’s space but by personality and determination. You can be an outspoken person but lack the thrive on connecting or offering a client’s needs.
12. Which is better: night dreaming or daydreaming?
This fun debate topic comes in handy for middle school kids. According to'We%20think%20of%20daydreams%20as,you%20can%20learn%20from%20them, daydreams keep your plans in front of you for better implementation. For those who night-dream, typically, it’s correlated with the events of the day and the people involved.
11. What’s essential: beauty vs brains?
Beauty is appealing to the eye, but eventually, it fades. With brains, you can use your intelligence when young and even older. Note that an attractive person can have both, and it doesn’t have to determine the future. You can concentrate on the part that gives you the most happiness, whether the outside or inner self.
10. What do women want in a man?
This title has been discussed for quite some time in the many light-hearted debate topics. If you want to know what a female wants in a relationship, friendship, or workplace, you have to know them on a personal level.
Moreover, generalizing the fact that ladies are wired the same might bring up some issues. One person might prefer an introvert and the other an extrovert lifestyle. Some might like a long in-depth conversation, while others prefer a fun dialogue.
9. What pizza toppings are the best?
The following funny debate topic falls under the food category. On June 11, 1889, Raffaele Esposito, the Neapolitan pizza maker, made Pizza Margherita. This kind of pie is garnished with basil, mozzarella and tomatoes.
Although this kind of pastry is tasty to most individuals, some pizza lovers and makers are more creative with the topping choice. For example, pineapple pizza has shredded mozzarella cheese, Canadian bacon, ham, and sliced pineapple chunks when using Sally’s pizza’s recipe A vegetarian pizza is also tasty for vegans and those on a diet with toppings like fresh spinach, red onions, goat cheese, fire-roasted red peppers, basil pesto sauce, and mozzarella.
8. Do bracelets improve your style?
Accessorizing your whole attire with different items gives you a unique and stylish look. Things like watches, necklaces, sunglasses, or scarves make you stand out even if you’re wearing simple clothes. The most common ones are bracelets, especially for women, teens, and youngsters.
You can choose a design that suits your personality, fashion sense, or mood of the day. It might have glitters, plain patterns, or intricate details. In contrast walking around without these bracelets, especially in a formal work environment, does not reduce your sleekness. You look more professional than those with dangling wrist bands.
7. Should married couples have feelings for other people?
Some individuals might feel funny conversations are more pointless debate topics like this. Feelings and emotions play an essential role in different relationships, especially new and older companionships. Other people can connect with a new person on a higher level than in the current friendship.
On the contrary, some people focus their feelings on one person or partner in the relationship. They feel guilty even at the slightest affection another man or woman might offer.
6. When a lady smiles, does it imply she likes you?
Smiling is the best accessory a man, child, or woman can wear on the face. But don’t get it twisted, thinking it’s a sign of affection or an underlying feeling. One might smile, but deep down, the emotions are completely different according to
On the other hand, some ladies will offer you a genuine and warm smile unconditionally. It doesn’t matter if they know you or not, but the emotions are apparent. So, this is still a discussion that’s factored on different things such as personality, emotions, well-being, and mood of the day.
5. Sleeping naked is more enjoyable than sleeping with clothes
Do you sleep naked every day or every other day? According to, it has some benefits such as better sleep quality, improves skin’s health, stress reduction, and less anxiety. But contradicts the goodness of this habit with some opposing views.
Climatic conditions play a huge role when choosing to put clothes on in bed. Some sweat a lot in high temperatures, while others get irritable. On the other hand, our bodies are different, so atmospheric aspects and other issues are used to excuse nude sleeping. Even with clothes on such as socks and leg warmers, some individuals sleep like a baby.
4. Are men more intelligent than women?
The funny debates include this, which is usually a heated one when people decide to debate about it. Intelligence is the ability to get information and knowledge, then applying the skills. Apart from books, one can gain life skills that need more experience usually discussed in sex education.
So, are men more clever than men? It all depends on the individual and his/her view of life’s challenges. Plus, you can’t measure brilliance on one aspect but different things such as business, streetsmart, books, and others.
3. Beautiful girls have more unsatisfactory performance in class.
Social media and high beauty standards can have a negative influence on the girl child. Some ladies rely on makeup and other beauty products to feel worthier than the rest. But even the smart ones can use these cosmetics without affecting their grades.
Note that poor performance in schools is generally caused by more in-depth factors rather than superficial elements. For instance, in a debate class, lack of concentration in class because of fatigue, family issues, and nature to quickly grasp new information may influence your results. That means kids are built differently and their learning ability to understand new things.
2. Age does not matter in romantic relationships.
Finding the right person that you’re willing to spend the better part of your life might be easy or quite challenging for some people. The main reasons include but are not limited to finances, emotional support, time, and age difference. What’s more, the latter has become a controversial issue for some time now with no lasting solution.
When you look around, you’ll see thriving relationships where the woman is much older or vice-versa. For example, has some insider information about dating a much younger or older person. Remember that other intimate companionships never last after a short time because of a considerable age gap, usually 3 years and above. At the same time, some thrive up to the end.
1. Should teachers, like students, have uniforms?
According to the K12academics website, private schools in the United States have a dress code. Students have to wear the same look to enforce equality among the scholars.
What’s more, those institutions that support a casual look for students feel that everyone has the right to express their personality through their attire. Check out for the advantages and disadvantages of school attire.
Make the funny debate topics in your neighborhood lively and comfortable. They are not restricted to a friendly setting but are fun in the office space too. What’s more, you can choose one, two, or more titles from our list depending on the theme.
For schools and other learning institutions, silly debate topics to argue about reducing the daily norm and redundancy of school time. It helps break up the monotony in the school environment to bring out more socialism.